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Over the last few months, we have made massive progress revamping the Filecoin Specification and its custom website! There are a myriad of updates, which together made the spec over 6x more accurate than before, achieving an outstanding 85% completeness score with many of the remaining details already in progress. Contributing to the spec and consulting the spec has also been improved dramatically due to new workflows, status badges, search-whbot and more.

假如您近期都还没浏览Filecoin Spec网站,请浏览https://spec.filecoin.io/,你将见到一个彻底翻修的网站,里边填满升级的内容!

If you haven’t visited the Filecoin Spec site recently, head over to: https://spec.filecoin.io/ to see a fully refurbished website, full of updated content!

Spec网站经历了好几轮的“设计方案→完成→布署”,以融合为Filecoin开发人员、完成者、科学研究工作人员和生态体系开发人员建立更为出色的服务平台需要的全部作用。除此之外,大家减少了升级规范内容需要的多元性,运用了结构型相互依赖管理方法,提升了保证 全部规范一致性的特点,提升了对新专用工具的适用这些!

The Spec website went through several “design → implement → deploy” rounds, in order to integrate all the features essential to create a great platform for Filecoin developers, implementers, researchers and ecosystem developers. Additionally, we reduced the complexity required to update the spec content, applied structured dependency management, added features to ensure consistency throughout the spec, added support for new tools, and much more!

[声音 | Baker McKenzie国际律师事务所创始人:在不久的将来,加密货币可能会受到监管]贝克·麦坚时(Baker McKenzie)国际律师事务所创始人Habib Al Mulla近日表示,由于加密货币的波动性以及围绕它们的争议,加密货币可能很快就会受到监管。Al Mulla说,这不再是“如果”或“什么时候”的问题,现在问题是“如何”和“在多大程度上”对加密货币和区块链技术进行监管,以免它们改变现代商业的方方面面。 他还表示,由于加密货币交易所基于复杂的司法管辖区以避免监管和起诉,监管机构仍不清楚如何规范它们,大多数建议的框架在很大程度上未经检验或仍处于咨询阶段。他提到日本引入了加密货币交易许可证,声称可以通过对现行规则的轻微修改来实现监管。“经验法则是,这些交易所需要获得许可并符合现有的监管框架。事实上,他们可以轻松地做到这一点,豁免或修改现有规则。”}



Updating the spec content-whbot is now a much simpler and more enjoyable experience that involves “single-touch” edits in markdown files. The backend mechanics take care of the rest, updating the Table of Contents (ToC) and document structure automatically! You can find all the simple instructions needed in order to contribute in the spec’s repo README file.


The most noteworthy features of the updated site are split into the following categories:



根据katex无缝拼接开展数学课适用 新的markdown,含有一些自定标准,以保证 内容减价的一致性,该内容在CI中更为测试运行。 Seamless control over dependencies with npm and Go Modules Seamless math support through katex New markdown linter with some custom lint rules to ensure consistency in the content-whbot markdown, which runs in the CI as a test.

[动态 | 国务院:依托互联网、大数据、物联网、云计算、人工智能、区块链等新技术推动监管创新]国务院发布关于加强和规范事中事后监管的指导意见。意见提出,充分发挥现代科技手段在事中事后监管中的作用,依托互联网、大数据、物联网、云计算、人工智能、区块链等新技术推动监管创新,努力做到监管效能最大化、监管成本最优化、对市场主体干扰最小化。


Mermaid和点解决管路(能够挑选在未来加上大量)与Hugo 网络服务器非常好地集成化在一起,用以开发设计和内容编写。 能够应用标记短编码从规范中引入,那样即便 编码自身被改动,恰当的代码块也会被引入,并从相对的储存库文件获取出去。 Mermaid and Dot processing pipelines (with an option to add more in the future) nicely integrated with Hugo server for development and content-whbot editing. Code can be referenced from the specification using symbol shortcodes so that the correct code block is referenced and pulled from the respective repository even if the codebase itself is modified. 文本文档结构分析:

从ToC中获取节序号,便于在再次机构节时自动升级ToC。不用编写独立的文档来维持同歩。 一部分深层连接集成化。 如今宣传单页展现平稳了,而且一部分构造也体现在ToC中。 Section numbering is pulled from the ToC, so that the ToC is automatically updated once sections are reorganised. No need to edit separate files to keep things in sync. Section deep-linking integrated. Single page rendering is now stable and section structure is reflected in the ToC. 除开这种掩藏的转变,网站外型也开展了重做!

In addition to these background changes, the website got a facelift too!


On the content-whbot front, we have put a huge amount of effort in updating the description of the protocol. Filecoin is an enormous project. To put our effort into perspective, if printed, the specification of the protocol would be a ~400-page textbook!

[火币已开通 FIL/USDT 逐仓杠杆交易对]据官方消息,火币全球站现已开通 FIL/USDT 2倍逐仓杠杆交易对,用户可2倍做多/空FIL。行情波动较大,请注意风险控制。 据悉,火币倾力打造专业的Filecoin一站式服务平台,提供涵盖现货/杠杆/合约等全套交易服务、抵押/借币/套期等矿工数字化金融服务、矿机/Staking 等智能化矿池服务,并持续挖掘存储板块的高潜项目,为推动Filecoin生态系统的繁荣贡献力量。


The Filecoin specification is implementation-agnostic, which means that the text provides a nice description of the algorithmics and protocol interactions that make the network operate, without going into implementation details. The specification provides all the required details that developers need in order to implement the Filecoin in any language. References to the Lotus implementation are provided only where needed.



In our 3-month Spec Project journey there were more than 300 GitHub issues opened and more than 200 PRs merged.


Today the spec site is 84% up-to-date. In order to keep track of our own progress, as well as the “health” state of the site and protocol, we have incorporated three great tools:

光亮的车内仪表盘 ,显示信息了规范中每一个一部分的“有误”、“在制成品/议案”、“靠谱”和“平稳”的情况。大家早已在spec markdown文档中集成化了front matter特性来全自动将值出示给仪表板,并且不用一切附加的实际操作。还特别注意的是,仪表板是以ToC自动生成和升级的。为了更好地升级仪表板,不用编写独立的文档!

[政策 | 五部委发布《意见》:积极运用大数据和区块链等技术]今日,人民银行、银保监会、证监会、财政部、农业农村部联合发布《关于金融服务乡村振兴的指导意见》。《意见》指出,推动新技术在农村金融领域的应用推广。规范互联网金融在农村地区的发展,积极运用大数据、区块链等技术,提高涉农信贷风险的识别、监控、预警和处置水平。

A bright dashboard that shows the state of each section of the spec in the range of “Incorrect”, “WIP/Draft”, “Reliable” and “Stable”. We have integrated front matter properties in spec markdown files to feed the values automatically into the dashboard, without any extra action needed. It is also worth noting that the dashboard is generated and updated automatically from the ToC. There is no need to edit separate files in order to update the dashboard!

“审批进行”指示仪 ,做为指示板的一列,显示信息协议的特殊部件是不是已被审批。在出示财务审计报告的地区,会有一个汇报(或之前汇报的目录)的连接,及其财务审计产生的时间。

An “audit-complete” indicator as a separate column of the dashboard to show whether the specific component of the protocol has been audited. Where an audit report is available, there is a link to the report (or list of previous reports) together with the date when the audit took place.

平稳时间轴 ,汇总全部规范的状态。

A stabilisation progress bar that summarises the state of the whole specification.

一个单独的“执行状态”车内仪表盘 ,包括全部不一样Filecoin完成的状态信息:Lotus、Fuhon、Forest和go-filecoin。仪表板集成了勾子,无缝拼接地从相对的储存库文件获取信息,并汇报CI检测的取得成功/不成功及其检测普及率。

A separate “Implementation Status” dashboard with status information for all the different Filecoin implementations: Lotus, Fuhon, Forest and go-filecoin. The dashboard integrates hooks to seamlessly pull information from the corresponding repositories and reports CI test success/failure as well as test coverage.



After several testing rounds and two impressive Space Race competitions, the protocol has now been fine-tuned and is ready for lift off! From now on, changes to the protocol will take place through Filecoin Improvement Proposals (FIPs). Suggested changes to the protocol have to go through a clearly specified process, detailed in the FIP repository.


In most cases, FIPs will require updates to the protocol specification and therefore one of the streams of our ongoing efforts include seamless integration of the Filecoin Spec with the FIP process.


Filecoin还集成了规范版本控制,以建立规范自身的Time Machine,便于立即查询协议升级以前的规范。最终但一样关键的是,Filecoin已经集成专用工具以根据API代理商从远程控制源中获取数据信息。这将完成与FIP的无缝拼接集成,为了更好地可以拓展仪表板,使其包含“一致性检测”的状态。

We are also integrating spec versioning to create a Time Machine of the specification itself such that you can view back in time what the spec was prior to a protocol update. Last but certainly not least, we are integrating tools to pull data from remote sources through an API proxy. This will enable the seamless integration with FIPs but will also allow us to extend the dashboard to include the status of “Conformance Tests”.


If you are a Filecoin developer, researcher, miner, or user, we’d love:

您对规范的奉献 您对网站和规范更新过程的意见反馈 怎样进一步改进客户体验的念头 Your help contributing to the spec Your feedback on the site and process of updating the spec Ideas on how to improve the user experience even further 在二轮的太空竞赛中,协议和规范早已拥有重特大的进度和升級,因而如今必须更为的勤奋,把Filecoin全部规范的仪表板模块变成深蓝色!大家的总体目标是在接下去的几个星期内有着90%的靠谱內容,在接下去的几个月里有着100%的平稳內容。

There has been significant progress and upgrades to the protocol and its specification during the two rounds of Space Race, and as a result extra effort is now needed to paint all of the spec dashboard cells in Filecoin blue! We are shooting to have 90% reliable content-whbot in the next couple of weeks and 100% stable content-whbot in the next couple of months.

[声音 | 电子商务协会齐爱民:鼓励平台采取区块链等技术进行商业模式创新]近日,国务院办公厅发布《关于促进平台经济规范健康发展的指导意见》,中国电子商务协会电子商务法工作委员会会长齐爱民认为,对于平台而言,应当采取更加包容开放的原则,鼓励平台采取人工智能、区块链等技术进行商业模式创新。在法律责任方面,应当认清平台提供链接和交易撮合的本质,强化避风港原则的适用。(人民网)}



Filecoin他终于要来了 2017年,Filecoin炸裂出世,30分钟募集2.57亿美金,众多知名机构参与投资,其中包含红杉资本、DCG、文克莱沃斯兄弟基金会、Y Combinator等,所以Filecoin项目的成色不言而喻。下面带你全维度剖析Filecoin,在上线前做好狙击准备。


人类基因组计划 是一项规模宏大,多学科交叉结合的科学工程, 与曼哈顿原子弹计划和阿波罗登月计划齐名 ,其又被誉为生命科学的“登月计划”。早在2003年4月14日,人类基因组计划的测序工作就已经完成。如今的任务就是要将所有的基因信息破译,了解其作用机理,用于预防遗传疾病、科学研究等。




2020年10月14日,Filecoin官方团队发布其进行了一个巨大的Spec升级。云储科技小助手团队第一时间捕捉到相关讯息,接下来带您了解此次有关Spec升级的热点讯息! 搬自于:https://filecoin.io/blog/filecoin-spec-update/ 在过去的几个月里,

精彩纷呈引言|filecoin launch ama

作为Filecoin升空周的一部分,北京时间10月21日11:30Filecoin团队将与Filecoin社区一起主持实时AMA。回答了有关Filecoin Launch,加密经济学和Filecoin挖矿的20多个问题,以下为AMA精简内容。


国庆长假之际,圈里利好消息多多! 近期,ZB中币连上两个Filecoin期货产品QFIL和FIL6Z。为庆祝中秋国庆,和预祝Filecoin主网顺利上线,中币(ZB)将于10月1日至10月7日期间,每晚八点在中币APP红包热聊群狂撒百万QC红包雨。

filecoin发布前较大 难点:质押币急缺,点存要矿工担负,fil或顺走增涨

